Creek Road Community Church was launched in 1966 under the name Community Reformed Church of Delavan, when a group of families were led to begin a ministry in the Delavan community. Founded on the rich history of the Reformed faith, they purchased a Lutheran church building and began worshiping there.

As the Delavan community began to grow, so did the ministry. From 1979 through 1999 there were two major growth spurts that saw the church building fill to capacity. During that time the congregation began visioning on where God might be leading them. Property was purchased outside the city limits where new construction was taking place but there was no ministry presence.

In 2003 construction began on a new worship facility and the focus of the ministry changed from an inward focused ministry to a missional focused ministry. Part of that change included changing the name of the ministry to Creek Road Community Church and moving from a traditional worship service to a more contemporary worship style.

Over the history of the ministry there have been two mortgage burnings, and we have become a ministry that welcomes all who enter through our doors with the hope of being disciples who make disciples. We remain an active ministry committed to seeing God’s Kingdom come to where He has led us.